Congratulations on raising a son who has made his way to North Dakota State University! He will have many opportunities to develop himself here, and we sincerely hope that he takes advantage of all that come his way. Please allow us to explain why your son should consider FarmHouse as one of those opportunities. During college, your son will discover who he is and what kind of man he wants to become. We’d like to take some time to speak in support of your son choosing FarmHouse.
Since 1905, FarmHouse Fraternity has proudly established itself as the “Builders of Men.” But what does this really mean?
FarmHouse believes in building character through four developmental “pillars”. Each man should be developed intellectually, physically, socially/morally, and spiritually.
We believe that academics are a benchmark of intellectual development. We expect that each active member maintains a minimum 2.7 GPA. Our Chapter consistently ranks near the top of all fraternities and sororities on campus.
Members also have the option to participate in competitive intramural sports programs, sports for leisure, or other physical wellness activities individually or in groups.
While in FarmHouse, men learn social etiquette and how to conduct themselves as proper gentlemen. We want to be known as the most respectable and chivalrous men in our campus community.
Spiritual development of our members is achieved by honoring the Christian values of morality, honesty, and service of our founders. We also encourage our members to regularly attend a church of their choice, to participate in weekly Bible studies, and to openly discuss their beliefs.
FarmHouse has consistently and successfully developed its members into honorable men of character. How? We are painfully aware that there have been incidents that have diminished the public’s trust of fraternities. We believe that we are the exception. Since our founding, we have firmly believed that “You can’t build men by tearing down boys.” We strictly condemn hazing. With our policy of alcohol-free housing, we are able to achieve our goal of self-development with minimal distractions or obstacles. A dry house ensures that your son’s home is clean, safe, and conducive to learning.
We are proud of our record of building men, and hope that your son chooses to express interest in FarmHouse. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us, we would be happy to speak with you!